Age: 40
Basic bio: Erika Ettin is the founder of A Little Nudge, a consulting company that helps people navigate the world of online dating. She wrote Love at First Site: Tips & Tales for Online Dating Success from a Modern-Day Matchmaker and co-hosts the dating podcast So, We Met Online… AND she’s doing an online dating workshop for TueNighters, starting September 8.
Beyond the bio: I’ve always been a happy person, and right now is no exception. I truly believe that you make your own happiness, much of which comes from hard work. COVID taught me that I’m not 100% extroverted, which took me 40 years to learn! It turns out that sometimes I just want to be by myself rubbing my dog’s belly… and that’s more than okay.
What makes you a grown-ass lady? I stick up for myself and express my needs in relationships of all kinds. As I tell my clients, you get what you allow.
1. On the nightstand: A glass of water, my iPad (to do the NYT crossword puzzle), Post-it notes, about six pairs of glasses (I can’t stop buying cute glasses).
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Making puns. All the time. Everywhere.
3. Jam of the minute: I’m not really a music person (though I do love Broadway), but I have been watching that silly TikTok Happy Dog.
4. Thing I miss: People being reliable and showing up when they say and replying in a timely fashion.
5. ’80s crush: Harvey from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
6. Current crush: Patrick Dempsey.
7. Latest fave find: That I can buy things I love on Stitch Fix in every color. When I like an article of clothing, I try to buy it in at least three colors.
8. Last thing you lost: Probably my keys. Or my wallet. Or my sunglasses. Hopefully not my dignity anytime soon 😃
9. Best thing that happened recently: I won three separate pun competitions.
10. Looking forward to: Sleeping in on weekends.