What are your tried & true menopause tips?
From hot flashes to brain fog, share your best advice
It’s time for our #GenXApproved question of the week, and we’re crowdsourcing a hot (and often sweaty) topic: menopause.
TueNighter Mari sent us this question: “How do you deal with menopause? If you're in the midst of hot flashes, mood swings, brain fog, or any other symptoms, how do you handle it?”
Share your best advice below!
The information provided on the site is for entertainment or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice.
BRAIN FOG. I am ready to hear all f your tips, vitamins, tricks. As of now, I just write everything down but (see other piece I wrote around these parts: https://tuenight.substack.com/p/if-we-need-only-5-friends-why-do) - I'm not entirely sure it's menopause related. 👀 I think that's one of my issues — how do we know whether something is menopause, general aging, the overwhelm of the world... Maybe it doesn't matter?
For me, the worst menopause symptom I'm experiencing is super sensitive and dry, itchy skin. It started happening about two years ago while hiking, I broke out into these nasty hives and scratched myself silly... weirdest thing ever... I thought it was poison ivy but it kept happening all through the winter and I'd get these terrible sores on my scalp... BLAH!
Turns out I've developed wicked skin allergies, like if I'm wearing/use any products that contain honey and I start to sweat... UGH!... my skin will blister :( I also quit using scented/dyed laundry detergents and softeners all together.