Since Covid-19 has turned me into a cranky old hermit holed up with parmesan (longest lasting cheese) and crackers, gazing out my Brooklyn window at the cavalier 20-somethings strolling by in packs, I’ve had some time to ruminate, er, vegetate, er, create.
I don’t know if it’s an anxiety coping mechanism, but all I want to do is make shit.
It’s weird how the muse starts whispering. Doug French wrote on his Medium post HoBoBloPoMo: we socially distant writers will find refuge in “House-Bound Blog Posting Month(s).”
Count me in. The world has turned upside down and writing is part of the survival kit.
Our lives have become enclosed, locked down and smaller. We’ve been upended, shuttered, stopped at the door (“use the hanitzier!”). The domino effect of life in Coronaville can be disorienting, humorous and horrific. But there are stories in these strange, homebound, mask-wearing moments. I’m planning to stake this Substack ground as a place to write a bit more.
From every virtual direction, artists are crafting to distract from the distress, to dance like the internet is watching, to entertain and keep the kids from sticking their feet in our faces. And lord, do we need it.
To that end I’ve made a list of the groovy bits, moments, videos, that humans are making to bring joy. I’m not talking about the Coronavirus opportunists, but people truly attempting to comfort. We mentioned a few in this week’s TueDo List, here are a few more:
My Joy List
My friend “Bossy” (aka Georgia Getz) started a daily dance party at 11:30 a.m. (EST) every day.
Choir! Choir! Choir Social Distance Singalong (Another one scheduled for this Saturday, 3/20.)
The Live From Here now #LiveFromHome videos from artists like Rachael Price of Lake Street Dive or Chris Thile who sing a song (sometimes from their closet) and tag another few artists to make one next.
This catchy Coronavirus song which I just heard blasting down Flatbush Ave.
This hand-washing video is so sweet and smart.
This dinosaur wrapping paper made by my niece:
Robin Gelfenbien’s Recess with Robin for kids at 3 p.m. every day.
Cooped-up concerts for kids.
Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard strumming.
“I Will Survive (Online Learning)”
Citywide ovations.
Bathtub monologues.
Now you:
What have you seen that’s brought you joy?
Stay safe, be kind, wash your hands.
p.s. that cool graphic is by TueNight OG Kat Borosky!