The TueDo List: Gen-X Careers + Punk Rock Pasts
Plus essentials for Women's History Month
READ: 17 essential books for Women’s History Month. A new online poetry journal by and for women 50+. Ann Patchett on reckoning with — and purging — a house full of stuff. Jenna Lyons on coming out after 40.
LISTEN: 60 “girl power” anthems for International Women’s Day (March 8). Nina Simone's brother shares intimate memories of his genius sister in this Rolling Stone podcast. New music from Liz Phair.
ADD TO CART: Lucie Kaas’ RGB Kokeshi doll. Sneakers inspired by Girl Scout cookies. New books: Isabel Allende’s The Soul of a Woman, Anne Lamott’s Dusk, Night, Dawn: On Revival and Courage.
LOL: Anything without an elastic waistband now counts as “hard pants.” A Gen-X rejoinder to the hair parting debate. Mid-century Jello mold lamps. Fisher-Price’s new “My Home Office.”
Now: Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell (Netflix) and RBG In Her Own Words (Starz).
Tuesday: (In)Visible Portraits celebrates the heritage and history of Black women in America (OWN). A fundraiser to celebrate 25 years of Rent.
Wednesday: Watch Moxie — and show your kids your old zines (Netflix).
Thursday: The Real World returns with its original cast (Paramount+).
Friday: Coming 2 America (Prime).
STORY: I Kept My Mother’s Secrets for Decades — Then Told Them All
By Bridgett M. Davis
“My mom’s livelihood transformed my life and the lives of so many others. I wanted that fact known, because I was so proud of her. Yet I had no idea what other people would think of my mom once they found out. And so I took the biggest risk I’ve ever taken: I defied my mother and told her secret. I wrote a memoir about her.”
Remember when “career” meant getting into a groove, climbing the corporate ladder and getting a gold watch at the end? Yeah, us neither. For Gen X, work is fluid, both what we want out of it and what we do with it. Pivots? Sure. Master the gig economy? Done and done. Handling being downsized? Not our favorite, but hey, we learned a long time ago that reality bites. Fortunately, we know how to bite back. This week, we dive in headfirst into making work, work.
Find yourself Suddenly Jobless at 50? You're Not Alone. (With great tips for thriving, not just surviving.)
Get great #jobsearch and #careerchage tips from 8 LinkedIn Social Pros Who May Inspire Your Next Gig.
And be inspired by 11 Women Who Started Brand-New Careers in Midlife and Never Looked Back.
Next For X, sponsored by #disruptaging
TueNight 10: Nancy Barile

She may be a high school English Language Arts teacher these days, but back in the ‘80s, Nancy Barile was a bona fide punk rocker in Philly. Her new book, I’m Not Holding Your Coat: My Bruises-and-All Memoir of Punk Rock Rebellion is a memoir we’re dying to dig into.
Happy International Women’s Day, TueNighters!