Age: 35 (while I’m on the younger spectrum, beyond grateful to be a part of the TueNight community – I have learned from and gained so very much from the amazing women here!
Basic bio: Alessandra is the Co-founder & CEO of Elektra Health, a female-founded women’s health startup on a mission to smash the menopause taboo. To commemorate World Menopause Month (October!), Elektra launched our free 10 day Smash the Taboo educational health & wellness series for women 40+ – join the movement & get smart on your hormonal health today!
Beyond the bio: Three things you won’t find on my LinkedIn: 1) My favorite meal in the entire world is a burrito & not-too-sweet margarita (or three), 2) I was almost named Elektra. When searching for a name for my company, I selected Elektra because, to me, it represents women stepping into our most powerful, fearless selves, 3) two pieces of professional advice I always give younger women (and men): 1) always follow your curiosity and 2) surround yourself with the best people you know. Personally following these two maxims has resulted in the most wonderful life that I am deeply grateful for so far!
What makes you a grown-ass lady? I became a grown-ass lady when I realized that I have the agency to let go of other people’s expectations in pursuit of crafting a life according to my own rules & desires. It’s not always easy, but stepping into one’s power & voice is the most grown-ass move I can imagine.
1. On the nightstand: My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem (I miss traveling!), AirPods (for my end-of-day Law & Order: SVU habit) and a gigantic glass of water for consumption pre-bed, mid-night, and upon waking up. My husband claims he’s never seen someone drink as much water / as thirsty as me.
2. Can’t stop/won’t stop: Speaking up and out about taboo topics until we’ve normalized common women’s health topics: Vaginal dryness (gasp!), anxiety/depression during perimenopause, hot flashes, night sweats, and so much more!
3. Jam of the minute: “Canopée” by Polo & Pan when I’m looking for an end-of-day pick me up; Solomon Burke Spotify station any time.
4. Thing I miss: Dinner parties with good friends – the ones that last too late into the evening, with too many bottles of wine and that fill the soul with laughter & love.
5. ’80s crush: Prince. Forever and always.
6. Current crush: Every single person supporting the movement to get out the vote. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
7. Latest fave find: Eberjey pajamas are the coziest things in the whole wide world.
8. Last thing you lost: My desire to wear heels ever again.
9. Best thing that happened recently: Elektra getting a shout out in Katie Couric’s newsletter!
10. Looking forward to: A new political order that inspires hope, kindness & grace. Crossing all my fingers & toes!