TN10: Carolyn Cochrane, Kristin Nilsen, and Michelle Newman, Pop Culture Preservationists

Your Age: Carolyn, 57; Kristin, 55; Michelle, 54
Basic bio: Carolyn, Kristin, and Michelle host the hugely popular The Pop Culture Preservation Society podcast, which is dedicated to safeguarding pop-culture nuggets from our Gen-X childhoods. Every week, these three GALs invite us into their circle to discuss and dissect the crushes, clothes, books, movies, songs, TV, and toys that shaped our youth. Their mission is to spread joy through these shared experiences, mastering the art of storytelling, one episode at a time.
Beyond the bio: Being over 50 gave us the freedom and the bandwidth to finally pursue our dreams for real. We had no carpools to drive, games to attend, asses to wipe (except our own) and at last, it was time for us! Our talents have been revealed and released, and we have found joy and a new kind of fulfillment that has convinced us that this chapter is the best time for women.
What makes you a grown-ass lady?
We three grown-ass women decided to start a podcast knowing exactly ZERO about starting a podcast — but we did it anyway! We have taught ourselves how to record, edit, produce, and promote a podcast — in MIDLIFE, a time when most of us are asking our kids how to re-gram a TikTok!
Here’s their TueNight 10:
On the nightstand: “The Change,” a witchy menopause thriller by Kirsten Miller (it’s like if Charlie’s Angels were witches ... in menopause); BOOM Silk Moisturizer (for ANYWHERE you need moisture); Neck Light.
Can’t stop/won’t stop: Breaking into song — probably Barry Manilow and the Carpenters — during podcast episodes.
Jam of the minute: “I Just Want To Be Your Everything” by Andy Gibb.
Thing I miss: Non-streaming TV. We loved knowing that Happy Days was on Tuesday nights on ABC! It was something to look forward to!
‘80s crush: Carolyn: Rob Lowe; Kristin: Mikhail Baryshnikov; Michelle: Simon LeBon
Current crush: Carolyn: Dax Shepard; Kristin: Dave Grohl; Michelle: Peter Hermann
Latest fav find: Geometry kitchen towels; vegetable chopper; Sonic Glow candles (retro scents!)
Last thing you lost: Carolyn: My glasses; Kristin: My hair; Michelle: My mind
Best thing that happened recently: We scored an interview with our first childhood crush, Shaun Cassidy! Stay tuned!
Looking forward to: Going to NYC to see Shaun Cassidy in concert and giving him a copy of Kristin’s new book for middle grade readers that was inspired by her childhood crush on him.