Age: 58.
Basic bio: Deb is an editor, writer and consultant who lives and writes in St. Augustine, FL. Her debut novel Florida Woman comes out July 5th from Hanover Square Press.
Beyond the bio: I've had many careers so far. I've been a victim advocate, a policymaker, an educator, a blogger, and a serial entrepreneur. By this point, I've flown out of the ashes of burnout more times than I can count, but that's okay because I find real joy in starting over. I love that in publishing they call your first published book a "debut." I'm a late-blooming debutante. What a kick!
What makes you a grown-ass lady? Sometimes I think learning to navigate grief is the biggest challenge we face as we age. Right now I am doing my best to hold steady, make peace, and remember that waves come in cycles. I'm like a wild squirrel stockpiling good memories and new experiences to hold me over when winter inevitably arrives again.
Here’s her TueNight 10:
On the nightstand: Ryder-Waite tarot cards wrapped in a vintage Alexander McQueen skull scarf, grapefruit Burt's Bees lip balm, handmade candle (bergamot, tonka, tobacco & oud), six or seven books with Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin, Exalted by Anna Dorn, and an advance copy of Other People’s Secrets by Meredith Hambrock on the top of the pile.
Can't stop/won't stop: Soaking up the sun — but at least I now use sunscreen instead of Hawaiian Tropic Dark Tanning Oil.
Jam of the minute: Florence + The Machine DANCE FEVERÂ
Thing I miss: Making pancakes for my kids when they were young. I don't regret aging per se, but that was a particularly sweet time of life.
'80s crush: Debbie Harry!
Current crush: The other day I realized that if Charlize Theron started a cult, I would beg my way in.
Latest fav find: Dr. Dennis Gross’ Universal Daily Peel. Hell of an upgrade from Sea Breeze.
Last thing you lost: My sunglasses. This is not an uncommon occurrence for me.
Best thing that happened recently: Every time someone I know feels better after a COVID bout.
Looking forward to: Florida Woman publishing July 5th. I can't wait for this book at long last to find its way into readers’ hands. It's a dream come true. I'm so excited I'm manifesting fireworks to fly high on book launch eve all across the country. Look up and celebrate with me!