Your Age: 49
Basic bio: Julia is a health and human performance coach, a licensed massage therapist and a registered yoga teacher. She also is a pacer. Julia works with all types of athletes, from the weekend warrior who is attempting her first race to the seasoned athlete who is training for the Ironman challenge.
Beyond the bio: I find my greatest joy in movement. I have completed a marathon in each of the 50 states three times; I pace the World Marathon Majors; I have run in 10 countries, on five continents; and I am getting ready to run my 300th lifetime marathon in the NYC Marathon on November 5! But in 1998, I was bedridden. I had to relearn how to walk again after brain surgery for cancer. Every finish line I cross is a gift that I will never take for granted.
What makes you a grown-ass lady? I prioritize self-care first and foremost with a whole-food, plant-based, nutrient-rich diet and daily exercise. My yoga and meditation routine are non-negotiable and I don’t skimp on sleep. In order to care for others — and do all the other things on my long to-do list — my self-care is absolutely a top priority. It’s not selfish, it’s self-preservation.
Here’s her TueNight 10:
On the nightstand: Vegucation Over Medication: The Myths, Lies, And Truths About Modern Foods And Medicines and Outlive: The Science And Art Of Longevity.
What I’m listening to: The Rich Roll Podcast, the Planted Runner, Hurdle, No Meat Athlete
‘80s crush/current crush: Brad Pitt; my husband
What was your first job: A local video store; it was very old school with paper index cards for customers.
How do you celebrate your birthday: I enjoy finding races on my birthday; it’s usually good running weather in late September.
What’s a misconception about getting older: That your body will fall apart as you age. That is totally not true if you take care of yourself and treat your body like a temple, with reverence. I have friends who are many years older than me and faster than me, setting the bar higher and showing me by their example. It’s not true that you should stop running because you are getting older; in fact, you get older when you stop running or doing the things that bring you joy.
What do you like/hate about getting older: I like not caring what others think of my life choices. I hate waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.
What are you most proud of: Rebuilding myself from the inside out and reclaiming my power — and ultimately my good health — after I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in my 20s; building a business that I’m passionate about that sustains my way of life while helping others achieve their goals and dreams. I feel truly blessed.
Is there anything you’d like a do-over for in life: I don’t believe in regret, I feel it is a wasted emotion and you can’t build on it. But if I could go back and have a do-over of anything, it would be staying at home a little longer, in the comfort and love of my mamma, instead of leaving the house at such a young age to fend for myself while in school.
Best thing that happened recently: On November 5, at the NYC Marathon, I am going to run my 300th-lifetime marathon, which will make me the youngest woman in the United States to accomplish this insane goal that I have been diligently working on for nearly two decades.
Watch Julia tell her story LIVE or online: We’re honored to have her join us at TueNight's Birthday Bash on November 21st. She’ll be taking the stage alongside five other remarkable storytellers all sharing tales of ambition that you won't want to miss — click here for ticket information!
This is hugely inspiring. Plus, the Rich Roll podcast is excellent listening.