I don’t usually get excited by products. Never brooded for a Birkin bag. Never pined for a pair of Manolos. If I’m going to spend my hard-earned cash on anything, give me an excellent experience—a hike in the woods, a trip to Italy—over a product any day.
But now that I’ve discovered vaginal estrogen, which combines product with experience in such a perfect way, I can’t stop talking about it or recommending it to others.
That it costs anything over $5 a month is absurd, but that’s another story. If you know me or my writing, you know I believe healthcare is a human right, not a privilege, and that sexual health is women’s health.
Briefly, here’s the deal: as we age, our vaginal tissue thins. Picture the difference, my OB/GYN said, between a Kleenex and a thick steak. Vaginal estrogen (Estring, Vagifem, Yuvafem), unlike systemic estrogens used to treat the symptoms of menopause (e.g., Divigel, which I also take), is non-systemic, meaning it stays in the vagina. This means it’s safe for everyone, including those who’ve had estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.
I started taking vaginal estrogen to treat chronic UTIs, and then about three months in, along with no more UTIs, I also noticed the massive difference in sexual function. Meaning, no more lube required! No more chafing! This stuff provides quite a sexcellent experience.
Thank you for sharing — I've been meaning to look into vaginal estrogen and your "sexcellent experience" just upped it to the top of on my to do list :)