Oh how I feel your story, Siobhan! Growing up a Katkics (a.k.a. Kitkat which wasn't as bad as "Catshit") I would help teachers pronounce my very Slavik name... like cat kicks the bucket. I totally get you :)
Names are so crazy. Their origin, purpose, backstory. I think about them a lot for some reason (my first is fairly pedestrian if quite out of fashion unless you’re a British prince). I’ve taken my both my husband’s last names, the first because at 20 it made a great air name to start my career in radio (2 vs 3 syllables and rhymed), the second after a 5 year delay because I couldn’t really any longer justify keeping the first husband’s name (I do still use it professionally-it’s great to have that option!) I enjoyed having the choices tho. I do empathize with having a name as yours and how much time is spent just occupying it, spelling it and explaining it without words. Good for you in keeping it. Siobahn is a lovely Gaelic name. Adcock, well, you manage it better than I would’ve, but it does have history! I’m still stumbling with Canelakes after 30 years (dollars to donuts you’ll mispronounce it).
Oh Siobhan, I feel this! I was in 4th grade the year Kool and the Gang released their number 1 ballad. I still loathe that song. My last name was also *slightly* problematic: Rockey.
I laughed so hard reading this. You have a wonderful sense of humor. I share Carrie Fisher's life motto "If my life wasn't funny, it'd just be true and that is unacceptable." Welcome:-)
Oh how I feel your story, Siobhan! Growing up a Katkics (a.k.a. Kitkat which wasn't as bad as "Catshit") I would help teachers pronounce my very Slavik name... like cat kicks the bucket. I totally get you :)
Yeah, mine was fine till junior high -BJ
Fabulous story!!!
Names are so crazy. Their origin, purpose, backstory. I think about them a lot for some reason (my first is fairly pedestrian if quite out of fashion unless you’re a British prince). I’ve taken my both my husband’s last names, the first because at 20 it made a great air name to start my career in radio (2 vs 3 syllables and rhymed), the second after a 5 year delay because I couldn’t really any longer justify keeping the first husband’s name (I do still use it professionally-it’s great to have that option!) I enjoyed having the choices tho. I do empathize with having a name as yours and how much time is spent just occupying it, spelling it and explaining it without words. Good for you in keeping it. Siobahn is a lovely Gaelic name. Adcock, well, you manage it better than I would’ve, but it does have history! I’m still stumbling with Canelakes after 30 years (dollars to donuts you’ll mispronounce it).
Oh Siobhan, I feel this! I was in 4th grade the year Kool and the Gang released their number 1 ballad. I still loathe that song. My last name was also *slightly* problematic: Rockey.
I laughed so hard reading this. You have a wonderful sense of humor. I share Carrie Fisher's life motto "If my life wasn't funny, it'd just be true and that is unacceptable." Welcome:-)
My maiden name is Eisgrau. I got "eyes-grew" a lot. One kid in HS called me Eyebrow. You win though, LOL.