Remember when we were growing up, how all the guys used to rag on Eric Clapton for writing a love song about George Harrison’s wife? Ugh. Tough to enjoy those guitar licks in “Layla” when it was about Clapton’s dopey, messy love life. And yikes, Bob Dylan, write about
I'm a recent(ish) Swifty convert (somewhere between Reputation and Lover)and saw her for the first time in Chicago in June. I wanted to be totally surprised, so I unfollowed her across social media and basically went into the concert only knowing she sang for just over three hours. Holy shit. Like Holy Fucking. Shit. I went alone and had a blast.
I was waitlisted for her New Orleans tour next fall, which, while disappointing, I'm not too upset, as I think there will be ticket drops later.
She's so much fucking smarter than the media give her credit for. She's loyal and generous to her staff, road crew, band, etc, as been proven over and over again. She truly appreciates her fan base and I'm sure knows she wouldn't be where she is today without them. I mean, who else of her caliber of celebrity crashes weddings and showers and invites fans into her home for a first listen to new music? She's probably one of the best songwriters around.
I’m not remotely a fan (I have tried I swear), but I am *absolutely* unquestioningly in awe and admiration of her. It’s been so fun and wonderful to watch what you’ve described so well...I’ve 100% cried watching videos of kids with their moms and laughed at the ones of dads waiting outside for their teens to emerge. My mouth dropped to learn that the shows were basically creating small earthquakes and I learned about the bracelets which are just the sweetest thing.
We definitely don’t have to personally love a thing in order to get behind it and acknowledge and revel in that thing.
We deserve to have what the boys have had for so long!
Hell yeah. Thanks for this passionate ode. Reading it was such a great way to start my day.
48yo Swifty here with a 15yo Swifty daughter. What a magical summer it’s been - starting with Metlife night 1 Eras tour (she dressed up as Speak Now, me as 1989) and ending with watching Barbie together. I love what you wrote here - you’ve expressed things I have been feeling so beautifully. Thank you!
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 YES! I’m I 57 year old fan and have always been in awe of her talent and songwriting. I’ve always felt so protective of her — and ecstatic she is finally being appreciated for the legendary badass that she is 💪🏼💕💕💕
I am living this story! I find myself at tables full of fifty-somethings saying, hot take: Taylor Swift is the Bruce Springsteen of now! I can just send them this piece. Thanks for spelling it all out.
Love this. I have been in a lovesick-teen headspace ever since attending an Eras tour concert last week here in L.A. with my precious 14yo niece! I'm listening to Lover, You Need to Calm Down, The Archer, The Man, and Cruel Summer repeatedly, all day, every day, like a nut. Dancing alone in the house to these songs, cranked, while my husband walks the dogs. The magic of being in an arena with mostly 70,000 women, girls, gay men and sensitive dudes all singing along to every single song cannot be properly expressed in words--I wish everyone could experience it.
51 year old Swiftie here. I was vaguely a fan prior to this tour but I’m now fully in! I love the communal experience of big events but have experienced them less and less over time (Igrew up living for football games in big, loud stadiums but I can’t stomach the sport anymore.
I went to night 1 inSeattle with a good friend and we both had so much fun prepping for the event that it was weeks of entertainment--listening to the concert playlist endlessly, YouTube rabbit holes about what everyone was wearing and what the surprise songs would be. my friend bought a bright pink and gold dress; I bedazzled song lyrics onto a tank top (“she thinks I left them in the will” because I’m an attorney and a nerd 🤣). We spent the afternoon making friendship bracelets. It’s truly been my summer of Taylor.
And after 40 years of listening to pop music, I think I know genius-level talent when I hear it.
I'm a recent(ish) Swifty convert (somewhere between Reputation and Lover)and saw her for the first time in Chicago in June. I wanted to be totally surprised, so I unfollowed her across social media and basically went into the concert only knowing she sang for just over three hours. Holy shit. Like Holy Fucking. Shit. I went alone and had a blast.
I was waitlisted for her New Orleans tour next fall, which, while disappointing, I'm not too upset, as I think there will be ticket drops later.
She's so much fucking smarter than the media give her credit for. She's loyal and generous to her staff, road crew, band, etc, as been proven over and over again. She truly appreciates her fan base and I'm sure knows she wouldn't be where she is today without them. I mean, who else of her caliber of celebrity crashes weddings and showers and invites fans into her home for a first listen to new music? She's probably one of the best songwriters around.
I’m not remotely a fan (I have tried I swear), but I am *absolutely* unquestioningly in awe and admiration of her. It’s been so fun and wonderful to watch what you’ve described so well...I’ve 100% cried watching videos of kids with their moms and laughed at the ones of dads waiting outside for their teens to emerge. My mouth dropped to learn that the shows were basically creating small earthquakes and I learned about the bracelets which are just the sweetest thing.
We definitely don’t have to personally love a thing in order to get behind it and acknowledge and revel in that thing.
We deserve to have what the boys have had for so long!
Hell yeah. Thanks for this passionate ode. Reading it was such a great way to start my day.
48yo Swifty here with a 15yo Swifty daughter. What a magical summer it’s been - starting with Metlife night 1 Eras tour (she dressed up as Speak Now, me as 1989) and ending with watching Barbie together. I love what you wrote here - you’ve expressed things I have been feeling so beautifully. Thank you!
Smart take!
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 YES! I’m I 57 year old fan and have always been in awe of her talent and songwriting. I’ve always felt so protective of her — and ecstatic she is finally being appreciated for the legendary badass that she is 💪🏼💕💕💕
I am living this story! I find myself at tables full of fifty-somethings saying, hot take: Taylor Swift is the Bruce Springsteen of now! I can just send them this piece. Thanks for spelling it all out.
This is righteous writing that deserves celebration!
Love this. I have been in a lovesick-teen headspace ever since attending an Eras tour concert last week here in L.A. with my precious 14yo niece! I'm listening to Lover, You Need to Calm Down, The Archer, The Man, and Cruel Summer repeatedly, all day, every day, like a nut. Dancing alone in the house to these songs, cranked, while my husband walks the dogs. The magic of being in an arena with mostly 70,000 women, girls, gay men and sensitive dudes all singing along to every single song cannot be properly expressed in words--I wish everyone could experience it.
51 year old Swiftie here. I was vaguely a fan prior to this tour but I’m now fully in! I love the communal experience of big events but have experienced them less and less over time (Igrew up living for football games in big, loud stadiums but I can’t stomach the sport anymore.
I went to night 1 inSeattle with a good friend and we both had so much fun prepping for the event that it was weeks of entertainment--listening to the concert playlist endlessly, YouTube rabbit holes about what everyone was wearing and what the surprise songs would be. my friend bought a bright pink and gold dress; I bedazzled song lyrics onto a tank top (“she thinks I left them in the will” because I’m an attorney and a nerd 🤣). We spent the afternoon making friendship bracelets. It’s truly been my summer of Taylor.
And after 40 years of listening to pop music, I think I know genius-level talent when I hear it.