Just like losing a loved one, losing a long-time dear friend is heartbreaking.

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I wouldn't say I've lost any friends, per se, since the pandemic. I have, however, experienced a profound shift in one friendship that will likely never rebound and feel myself drifting apart from another. Almost all my friendships have changed in some way due to our pandemic-induced separation, and mostly not for the better/closer.

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I love the point about 'not honoring the reality of how you’re being treated by her'. I've definitely been guilty of this - believing that *my* actions are the only ones that can be decisive, rather than accepting that the other person acts just as powerfully. It's such a complicated dance of ego and agency. I try to be more aware of that now; if someone's had a gut-full of me, fair enough. I'm 50, I'm not going to undergo a radical personality change, and none of us have got time to put energy and effort into a relationship that makes us feel bad. Being dumped by a friend doesn't have to me some huge all-encompassing judgement on you - and to the extent that it does say something about you, it equally says something about them, none of which is necessarily terrible.

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So well said Rowan. "complicated dance of ego and agency" is exactly right.

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This one cut too close to the bone for me and couldn’t participate in the live event. But I’m looking forward to watching this.

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I haven’t heard enough people talk about this. Thank you for sharing and for modeling a way of mourning and moving forward ❤️

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