Well, clearly The Princess Bride :) and Back to the Future and Dirty Dancing are up there too (“I carried a watermelon.”)

My young self also has a lot of love for The American President: I still know Aaron Sorkin’s dialogue by heart, and Annette Bening is just a glowing powerhouse, and so funny.

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Yes, love The American President - Michael J. Fox was so good in that movie.

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Yes clearly The Princess Bride, I second Yael. « as you wish »

I would also add the and Raiders of the Lost Ark and anything with Harrison Ford really. And as a child I watched the Sound of Music every time when it came on tv.

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My husband gifted me with tickets to see "An Inconceivable Evening with Cary Elwes" which included a screening of the movie and a meet & greet with Cary. You would've LOVED the behind-the-scenes stories Cary shared. He also talks with his hands (ditto) and admitted to being a klutz (broke a toe, fell dozens of times, and received a concussion during one of the scenes) at one point, he knocked over his water glass during the interview much to his disappointment. Someone in the audience purchased a water bottle from the concession stand, ran up to place it on the stage, bowed her head and said... as you wish... which had Cary snort-laughing for a good 5 minutes. So fun!

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What a great experience. So cool. Keep that husband! :)

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Definitely The Breakfast Club. It was filmed in my hometown in a high school that recently closed but was open to the public for swimming. We went there a lot because it was cheaper than the YMCA and less crowded. I was only like 9 then, but still, at the age when I started becoming fascinated with teen culture. And a huge part of teen culture was the “type” of teen that you were. Which cafeteria table you sat at. The music you listened to.

The movie also taps into the class divisions which seemed to widen in the 80s. I ended up being a rebellious teenager, but felt more like I was accepting my chaotic home circumstances, more than actually rebelling. I think that was true in general for a lot of the burnout kids. During high school, I spent a lot of my Saturday mornings in detention. My kids (oldest is almost 23) don’t even know what detention is, much less a “Saturday” as they were called. The movie's also helpful for showing them kind of what it was like.

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I'm from Chicago, grew up in the city. I went to U of I and most of my friends were from the suburbs, it was fun to watch John Hughes movies with them as they pointed out local spots and friends who had gotten to be extras.

We had 'discipline' in high school, which was after school detention, not on Saturdays, though.

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I SO wanted to be old enough to be an extra, but I missed that boat by a few years.

I lived in Des Plaines and went to Elk Grove HS. They were still doing "Saturdays" in 1991, just before I dropped out for a semester. I miraculously graduated HS a year later from Huntley where my family moved. That type of "discipline" wasn't helpful. It made "bad-kid" labels more permanent. And it didn't address any of the underlying issues which were almost always the cause for the behavior.

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I saw something on TikTok last night - someone holding up pics from scenes in the movie, comparing them to the actual locations in front of the high school... FOUND IT: https://www.tiktok.com/@filmtourismus/video/7201186135840673030

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Pulp Fiction. The Color Purple. The Shawshank Redemption. ALSO I just showed my 9-year-old son the movie CLUE and he loved it, and I loved that he loved it.

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We re-watched CLUE for the eleventy-hundredth time, last week... so fun to introduce our faves to the kids :)

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My favorite moment was when Mr. Green announces that he is a homosexual, and my son asked, "Why is THAT a big deal?" Big win for Gen X Parenting!

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My 49-yr-old self has seen Clue no less then 25 times and I’ll keep going!

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Victor/Victoria - I love that movie so much! Also, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

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Victor/Victoria is one of my "sick" movies I'd watch when not feeling great.

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Yes to both! i remember watching these while eating canned soup home sick from school so many times. I haven't seen V/V in ages tho!

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Ok, don't laugh but Bedazzled. The remake with Brendan Fraser. I've seen it a dozen times and own the DVD 😂. It's such an underrated comedy classic. Brandan Fraser plays a variety of dope-y characters (he's given wishes by Elizabeth Hurley playing The Devil and they never go as planned - aka "I want to be rich and powerful" turns him into a drug lord) and he's hilarious. The ensemble cast including Orlando Jones, Miriam Shor and others is top notch. Just good dumb fun.

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I went and Googled it... yep... that's a fun one and now I've got to re-watch it tonight. I just thought of another one with Brendan - he was in the rom com Mrs. Winterbourne with Ricki Lake. There's a scene where Brendan tries to teach Ricki how to tango and danged if it's not one of the most romantic scenes, IMHO. Kind of sappy but sometimes I need a little sappy.

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The Sound Of Music. A defining movie (and soundtrack!) from my childhood and you can still catch me singing something from it at any point in a day. I drop everything and watch when I see it come up in a queue/on YouTube TV. Think hard about the story before you make fun of me! 😆 Continuing, Apocalypse Now still fascinates me, directors cut of course (admit I am a fan of war movies). Alien, Star Wars (all of them) & Close Encounters round out the goose bumps list.

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TSOM is a family fave and I would NEVER make fun - except maybe if we're talking the LIVE version with Carrie Underwood a couple of years ago, it blew chunks, compared to the original.

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Ive got the Sound of Music taped from the last time it showed up on tv. Waiting for a good Sunday morning to enjoy it !

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Mildred Pierce and Claudine

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Joan Crawford and Diahann Carroll FTW!!

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Wasn’t it awful? 😱

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Which one?

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The live remake of Sound of Music. It was on TV some years ago. Carrie Underwood played Maria. Well, she tried anyway. I’m not sure how my reply to the commenter (on my comment) ended up way down here! Life was moving fast that day. 😏

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Ha, me either. Oh technology. Yeah I think I *tried* to watch that. Some of those live action musicals are good (Jesus Christ Superstar, The Wiz) and some are horrendous. (Hairspray)

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JSC was OK. Cheesy but omg the rest were facepalm terrible.

Yeah who knows-thought I hit reply but seems like my thumbs have a mind of their own after 60. Constantly somehow jacking up whatever page I might have open whenever I get interrupted. I recall I did have a fleeting nanosecond thought as I closed the page my comment was in the wrong spot. Sigh…

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And I think instead of commenting you hit "reply" under the persons comment - maybe. 😂

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Some Kind of Wonderful, love that movie. I remember I bought the cassette tape (!) of the soundtrack and would turn it up to 10.

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I watch An Affair to Remember and Born Yesterday every time I visit my mom. Those old Hollywood stars are fantastic- never gets old

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Valley Girl. Pretty Woman. Sense and Sensibility. Bull Durham. Sixteen Candles. Moonstruck.

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Sense and Sensibility, Bill Durham and Moonstruck. Yes!

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80s teen films + 13 Going On 30

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Return To Me!! It’s a lesser known romantic comedy that has held up on every rewatch. It has Minnie Driver and David Duchovny and Bonnie Hunt (who directed it!). Also has Robert Loggia & Carroll O’Connor & David Alan Grier. It is very sweet and very charming and very funny and gentle. Really deserves more fans.

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Back here to add Crazy Rich Asians because every single time I flip past it on a channel I have to stop and watch. Just such a perfect fun, beautiful film.

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French Kiss is wonderful. I turned 50 in the fall of 2020 and we had an outdoor movie night with friends to celebrate. I still knew all the dialogue.

Clueless is awesome too.

Leaving Normal is also one of my favorites.

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