Hey there, welcome to Open Thread Thursday!
A community-driven thread where you take the wheel to talk about anything and everything (and we mean every…little…or big…thing) happening right now.
New here? WELCOME! This would also be a great time to introduce yourself.
What are your plans this weekend? Got any new book recommendations? Anything you’re loving right now that we should know about? Or need a quick vent sesh? We got you!
So let’s tawk, TueNighters — what’s on your mind?
I sort of remember Margit taking comedy lessons or attending a workshop? Hey Margit...
It’s a dreary morning and I don’t wanna get out of bed. My cat is cuddled up with me. I have my coffee and my phone and I might just stay here for a while. How’s your day starting?
But to really contribute to this thread, i’ll talk about my new hobby. I am refinishing old free dumped furniture. I found out that my library lends out tools, which makes it a lot easier to start something like this. My first piece is a night stand, and I’m very excited about it.