I live in Florida and I fear for my NB child who is going to college in-state due to finances in August. How did my state get this way? Why are people content with fascism, racism, and authoritarianism? I sincerely hope Ron DeSantis crashes and burns like his Twitter announcement did last night. He is even worse than trump

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I’m so sorry Ruth. Related: I just watched an upsetting video of a teacher in Broward County showing boxes of banned books to be shipped out. Broward County says that they were simply retiring books after 15 years. But who does that? I don’t buy it. It shocks me that people think this is ok. And I’m digging into the banned book project with the American Library Association: https://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks

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sending love from one mom of a non-binary child to another

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It’s been three years since the death of George Floyd.

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Wow, that seems like yesterday and 10 years ago. Time is so weird. Thank you for reminding us of this important and tragic anniversary, Margit.

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So sad that we haven't become better as a society since that tragedy/murder. We are supposed to be living in a future utopia, with a robot Rosie the maid and a jetpack. Not continuing to be hate-filled d!cks. xo

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Is anyone else just exhausted? Personally, professionally, politically...all of it. I just wish I could turn something off so I wouldn't have to deal with it.

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All day every day. I think we're all also suffering some post-ish pandemic malaise and ennui. Just had a funny conversation last night with a friend I ran into in Brooklyn where we were talking about what we were doing and we both kinda said, "I don't know, nothing really....so why are we so tired."

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So very tired. And frustrated. And old. 😩

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I've been worn out since the Orange Turd was in office, surviving 2020 didn't help at all. I take things one stupid day at a time.

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I call him Shitler. It fits. xo

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I work for the Chicago Cubs during the baseball season, this year I'm only working the day games, so I'm working tomorrow, Sunday and Monday.....Monday is of course Memorial day, so that means time and a half pay. YAY. It's a fun, laid back job. I work in the parking lots, either scanning cars into the lot or showing fans where to park. This is my 7th season. (I started the year after the WS win)

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My BF and I are seeing a Cubs game on July 15! Any tips? We’re in town for a business trip and taking public transportation to Wrigley.

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email me at kimberly dot b dot hayes at gmail dot com. :)

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Been watching and listening to 70s "Soul Train" clips on YouTube lately. They make me happy! This one is "I Love Music" by the O'Jays. Enjoy!


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OMG, I've been obsessed with watching Soul Train clips on YT all week... not even kidding... JINX! I've got so many 70s playlists on Spotify right now.

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Yay! So fun!

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Hi! New here and semi-new to Substack (March). Happy to have found this space. The world is an absolute sh!tshow right now. I can only hope it's the death rattle of the batsh!ts out there. I had been in a pretty bad effing mood since 2016. It was the end of last year when I finally had a talk with myself about dealing with things better. I've been on a happy quest ever since (with none of that toxic positivity BS). My theory is: we all need to get happy. That might sound Pollyanna glib, but happy people don't hate. They don't want to oppress. They don't want to harm. And, if we are happy, we can probably better organize and get some of this sh!t sorted. Gay Pride is next month. It's going to be scary. Are you a Target shopper? Stop. Tell them why. (https://www.npr.org/2023/05/24/1177963864/target-pride-month-lgbtq-products-threats#) Be vocal. The sane among us are not being vocal enough. It's always been a minority of asshats calling the shots. So, if we get a little happy, get some rest and re-energize, we can get back to the frontlines and get things back on track. We just can't keep going like this, feeling awful and defeated. At least that's my theory. (BTW, happy people still flip off dumb drivers and other sorts of bumblef*cks.) Nice to meet you all! xo

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I'm new here - hello everyone!

I'm a New York-based illustrator and I'm wondering how to meet art directors and creative directors socially, as sending out emails to them doesn't work.

Any advice gratefully accepted! Thank you.

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Hi, I'm new here! I'm a recently divorced, queer mom to a non-binary teen. I'm also a midlife coach, licensed therapist, art therapist, and a first-time author of a new book called Midlife Emergence. It's both a revealing memoir of my own messy passage into midlife in my 40s AND a guidebook with prompts (journaling, art, ritual) for the reader to help you through your own midlife transition. Tonight, what's on my mind is that my kid just finished 10th grade today, and we're moving into summertime. I've had a really heavy past couple of years, and I want this summer to feel more light, playful, and fun... I'm craving that so much! AND I have a lot of work to do because I'm developing some exciting new programs for women in midlife and promoting my book on podcasts and such. Trying to find the balance in it all. I'm happy to be here with you. Thanks for the space.

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