I'm still not over the loss of Sinead, and am finally being open about my distaste for Madonna. (It's always been there, for multiple reasons; I was just trying to be polite.) Take that moment on SNL when Sinead bravely brought the truth to light. A couple of months later, Madonna mocked her on SNL by ripping up a photo of Joey Buttafuoco and repeating, "Fight the real enemy." Did she ever apologize for that? Has she ever held up another woman in her space? (The Britney/Christina kiss was for her to remain relevant.) All of this got me questioning how well we did, as GenX women, to mentor others coming up behind us? Granted, Madonna's a Boomer, but still, she's been forced upon us as a feminist icon when she's just a showboat. A ripoff artist. A con. (See? Not holding back now.) I was desperate for a mentor when I was coming up in Hollywood, but that was at the tail end when there was only room for one. The competition was still there. The fear that your place would be taken. That's what Baby Boomer feminists had to deal with, and I understand the hard, sexist road they travelled, making my way easier (it still wasn't/isn't easy). Have we done better? I hope so. I try to do what I can (from a place of no power). It's certainly not too late to do more. (Can you tell how much fun I am at a dinner party?) xo

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I'm thinking a lot lately about how we can get the right language together for a menopause mayoral mandate in New York City. I’d what they've done in the UK and would love to target 30% of NYC companies becoming menopause-friendly work environments. It's been alarming to see the unemployment statistics for women aged 50+. Right now, while the rest of the nation hovers at 3.6% unemployment, midlife women are at 13.3%. We're leaving so much talent, wisdom, and money on the table and so I just want to see if I can use the Gothamgirl.me platform as well as The Empress platform to lobby for policy changes that can be codified such that peri/menopause can become a more protected condition under the New York Human Rights Code.

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