I was on a team call today with people from London, Bangalore, New York and other WFH destinations explaining the significance of South Street -- my first real taste of counterculture as a teen growing up in the preppy Philly suburbs. That it is the scene of yet-another horrific, senseless tragedy hits hard.

Sending love and light to the victims and their families.

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Nice. ❤️💔😭

I remember too, after south street was hip — but gentrification was only what was happening on the surface; and mostly gentrification by commercial realtors who didn’t understand that in the spaces between the chain-stores, a sickness festered — an abandonment of true city characters and an influx of mean spiritedness and terror that was actually crummier than crummy. If you had not moved to NYC, I’m confident you wouldn’t have ever gone to south street from 1990 on, where the tweaked south Jersey guys pissed in tomato plants on the way back to their muscle cars, and where west and north Philly guys tried to hold the territory in other, intimidating sweeps. What happened to south street is a STUDY.

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This is such a good insight about the spaces in between and that yeah, we need a timeline and study of South Street evolution.. Also "the tweaked south Jersey guys pissed in tomato plants on the way back to their muscle cars" 😮

I mean, poetry.

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I won those tickets to see Christane F fr WMMR 93.3FM. South street, the destination, the goal, the chance to see something different and hopefully a little dangerous. It was exciting and we flocked there. What nostalgia.

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That's RIGHT! We were always getting into a little good kind of trouble on South Street :-)

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What a vivid picture you’ve painted. I’m so sorry Margit. The whole world feels unsafe, but when the violences bursts the bubble of your formative years, it’s so, so jarring.

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