A former boss had been studying hard to pass her private pilot's license test for weeks. Her team of documentation writers had been helping her, so we were well-acquainted with the process. We created a script at the end of March and coerced a colleague to call our supervisor on April 1 to explain that the training school where she had been studying had been discredited, so none of the classroom work that she had completed would be accepted towards licensure. She would need to start over. When the boss came running into our suite of cubicles nearly in tears to explain the conversation, she could barely speak. One by one we began reciting pieces of the phone call conversation -- until the manager finally understood that we were behind the April Fool's Day joke. Then we burst out into laughter while she waffled between tears, anger and amazement that we'd pulled such a good joke on her.

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You have (the female equivalent of) balls of steel for doing that to your MANAGER.

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This a.m. I ordered my husband his favorite egg sammie on a bagel and presented it to him. "Thought we enjoy a celebratory breakfast!" "Oh?" he paused, slight look of panic. "What's the celebration?" Me: BIG pause. "You don't remember...??" He groaned, shook his head and grabbed the bagel. "Nice try FOOLER" 😂

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I called my husband to tell him I had locked myself out of my car. I often lock myself out of my car, so it was totally believable. Except, this one April 1st, when I actually DID lock myself out of my car and he didn't believe me. The joke was on me, dammit.

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