Personally I am a woofer known to say “woof”. Inherently I guess this is my punk ass way of fighting back.

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Woofer, love it!

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I laughed when I read the article. It’s true! I find myself grunting and sighing!

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Deep siiiiiiiiigh. :)

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The deep sigh followed by my teen daughter asking “what’s wrong?” “Ohhhh, nothing,” I say amid another deep sigh, “I’m fine.” The sigh like my resting face.

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Hah! Another sigher here! All. the. time.

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I am an “oof!” er. And I generally make noises a *lot*. Related, I just sort of talk to myself more out loud. Not sure if this is an age thing, a post pandemic thing or... Anyhoo! Also, to add to my decline: I was just out walking my dog who sits at corners and waits for me to say “ok!” for his green light to cross - leashed of course. (It mostly works unless there is a half-eaten chicken wing in his sights. #newyork) But today, instead of saying “ok” I said “Alexa?” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Oh geez yes on the talking to myself. Constantly. I am an empty nester with a traveling husband so there is no one to talk to but my cats (yes, crazy cat lady) but now I find myself narrating my life WHILE I AM OUT IN PUBLIC. In the grocery store, 'ok let's go to the dairy cooler and see if they have the yoghurt I like' ... yikes. ... Also definitely an oofer when it comes to groaning and bending and anything age related. heck, I can't get out of the car seat without a sound and commentary ...

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I DO THIS! Why?? I absolutely do the same thing where I talk myself through next steps. I'm glad I'm not alone :-)

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I narrate my life and my cats lives :) yep I’m at that cat lady age I guess.

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This made me spit coffee through my nose, LOLOLOL!

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LOL!! I’m always yelling “at” Alexa 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I’m complicated (like who isn’t) Depending on what it is, I either heavy sigh or ugh. Sometimes I hum to keep myself from saying something problematic, especially at work. But if I experience acute pain, that I say shit.

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Very entertaining. Love the toddler imitating the mom's groans.

I lift weights and I teach lifting. When I owned a gym where people learned in groups, I found just what the article says -- that individuals copied the visible/audible habits of other people, including vocalizing (grunts, which can serve an actual purpose) and the ways in which they rolled a barbell around a little before lifting (which I coached them not to do -- don't introduce extra movement to your lifts). Grunts when lifting if you do it at the right time, when your trunk/core is fully braced, can tighten you up just a little bit more for that instant. So for people who are annoyed by grunts in the gym, I say, sometimes people are being dramatic, but sometimes there's a good reason for it.

So my own middle-aged groan is a "bracing grunt" exaggerated to entertain my husband. Thanks for letting me share my nerdness. Keep your back straight and carry on

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When it comes to struggling in and out of low-slung furniture I'm mostly an "OOOF!" er but sometimes also "OH LORDY!" which, I don't know where that comes from but it just feels right. One of my friends just screams "GODAMMIT!" whenever her body doesn't do what she wants, but that sounds a lot like a reprimand, and these days I'm more oriented toward encouragement. So I'm thinking about just yelling "TA-DA!" when I get out of bed every morning and calling it good.

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I have taken to saying “good gravy” a lot and I have no idea why. I sound like an old timey grandpa

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I’m always exclaiming ‘Holy crap!’, something I’ve never said in the past. It’s weird but now we know why grandpa said those goofy things. Rite of passage maybe?

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I like the idea of TA-DA! I may start that ⭐️

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Never thought about until I read the article, but it’s more of a “HUFF” or exhale. Either way, it’s the sound of defeat.

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BOTH! And I talk to myself all the time, tho I tell others who might overhear it’s the dogs I’m discussing things with (I mean, they’ve seen me naked, they know me pretty well and all). There is therapeutic value in vocal expression (even swearing!), science has proven that much. Especially for pain or frustration. We all witness every day what repression can do, so don’t be afraid to let loose when the situation demands it. Just be careful talking to yourself in the grocery store (or any public venue)-someone may answer! Tho it might just be them talking to themselves, too.

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I'm a sigher. A passive-aggressive expression aimed at my increasingly non-compliant body.

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All of the above, but mostly heavy sighing.

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I'm definitely a ugher! 😂

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I’m an oof or damn, sometimes fuck because fuck is fun to say. I talk to myself, too. Sing. Make up songs to the cats, inanimate objects, about things in doing.

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Total groaner.

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