QBert. Always QBert.

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I was so obsessed with Pitfall. Does anyone remember that, for some games, if you took a photo of your screen with your high score and mailed it to Atari you'd get a patch? Do you remember begging your parents to use one precious exposure of film and one precious side of a flash cube to take a picture of the television? And then waiting for the rest of the film to be shot and developed and seeing your pic of the TV was blown out because of the flash and mailing it ANYWAY? And then waiting 6-8 weeks for a patch you earned 3 months prior? Can I put my Pitfall patch on my LinkedIn?

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OMG! Yes, forgot ALL about the Atari patches. So fun :) I need to find this pitfall crochet pattern... NEEEEEEED!! https://www.flickr.com/photos/jackrabbitetsy/391608151/

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Altho I am a Boomer, Legend of Zelda was my absolute fave too. I mean like bonkers fave. I finished it too! Took over a year (but we were working full time as well-how’d we DO ALL THAT?!?) I remember at the time, remarking while starting Level 1 with hubby on our gargantuan Fisher 36” TV (another remarkable invention at the time) “Now THIS is sublime-in college there was only Pong!!” Btw, in ‘88 we were sure technology was at it’s peak. VCR’s, digital instruments, Walkmen, CD’s, car phones even! I’d always thought I’d play a lot once retired but the hand-eye coordination is gone, eyes bad...and somehow there just is no time. Still...we have been discussing investing in a return to a modern version of Zelda. She’s never left me after all these decades! 💚

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