Setting the stage: A group of Gen-X pals gather around an old, dusty time capsule they've unearthed from one of their childhood backyards. This surprise find has unlocked a treasure chest of memories from the 80s and 90s.
So far, they've stumbled upon: Neon colored scrunchies, slap bracelets, and an old school book covered with a brown paper shopping bag with the words The Go-Gos and Bananarama drawn in ink.
What else do they find? Share your own picks, and let's create a fab collection of quirky Gen-X gems that'll give future generations a peek into what our generation was all about! 😎
Friendship pins, banana clips, white high top Reeboks, Jordache and Sergio Valente clothes, boom boxes, cassette tapes, plastic milk crates for storage, acid washed Jean jackets, Hostess baked goods, Dolphin shorts, knee-high socks, legwarmers, Aquanet, electric blue eyeliner and mascara, ice blue eye shadow, pink champagne lipstick- for starters!
I came to add the Aquanet :) When I think of all the hairspray fumes I inhaled during those years. Also - gigantic earrings that stretched out my ear holes so badly I can only wear studs now.
I'm actually in a Facebook group about the Preppy Handbook! Some people are a bit over the top, trying to determine if something is Preppy or not, but it's fun. There was also at least one Jewish version, one locally written (Chicago suburbs) I wish I had kept those as well!
Absolutely that goes in the time capsule! That book was so helpful to me, even though it was tongue in cheek - it totally helped me learn how to dress in a way that was acceptable and comfortable, and preppy could even be a bit punk (ie the way the Talking Heads dressed on stage...) super fun book and I still have my copy.
Off the shoulder sweatshirts, neon anything, Jane Fonda workout tape (accompanied by Let’s Get Physical by ONJ), a Renault Le Car, an MTV shirt and a VHS copy of ET.
Actual 80's or caricatures of the 80's? I do think of princess phones as a very 80's thing, but the caricature would be that Mickey Mouse phone. That moment when ATT no longer issued you your phone hardware on lease and you got to/had to go buy your own. Most people got the princess phone because it was inexpensive and ubiquitous, but the Mickey Mouse phone was right next to it in the catalog. And then the day you saw one in real life you knew you were in the presence of coolness!
Why is it that I still have so many of these things! Also, I RECENTLY bought a caboodle for all my impulsive TikTok/ Instagram Reels makeup purchases. 👀
Tiger Beat Magazine, white Capezios, paisley and buffalo plaid clothes, lots of fun neck ware (bolo ties, thin ties, broaches/pins) , Beta Max tapes, stirrup pants, skorts, leg warmers, big gulps, scratch and sniff stickers.
A tartan pencil case with band names written on it so that everyone at school would know you had cool taste in music: New Order, Eurythmics, Tears for Fears, The Thompson Twins, Psychedelic Furs, Joy Division, Bauhaus, etc...
My first Beatles albums: the red and the blue ones. They're being expanded now for their 50th anniversary. I got them at thirteen in 1977. I know those were a lot of people's first Beatles albums.
We are nothing without our teasing combs! Wet N Wild, who came to the suburban punk rock rescue with almost black lipstick and nail polish (I don't think our town ordered the black, or it went very, very quick; we were forced to use Sharpies and clear polish if we wanted black nails). Black liquid eyeliner for Siouxsie eyes. Chocolate PopTarts. Pop Rocks. Ring Pops. Legwarmers. Granny boots. Fingerless gloves. Leather jackets. Members Only jackets. 501s. And Jake from Sixteen Candles. Walkman with auto-reverse. xo
Maybe just older gen x would remember these, but how about the donut-shaped AM radio that opened up to access the dial; and the little suitcase record player before you got your first real stereo.
Mix tapes, Aquanet, black WetnWild eyeliner, Levi jeans jacket, cabbage rose printed jeans, Shaker knit sweaters, cheap plastic jewelry from Clares, Judy Blume and Cynthia Vogt books, Tiger Beat posters, Izod polos and Esprit everything; The Preppy Handbook; Loves Baby Soft; Seventeen magazine, Molly Ringwald, a mall, strip mall movie theater and its arcade.
Oh! Oh! (Waving my hand in the air) Something from the Bicentennial! I had Bicentennial stickers all over my notebooks in sixth grade. Wish I could post a photo here.
Putting on my acid washed jeans and fluorescent tank top to ride around on my banana seat bike with my friend, tracking down the boys on their skate boards and going to 7-Eleven. Reading Seventeen magazine and smelling the Calvin Klein perfume inserts, crimping my hair and looking like a poodle. Hearing With or Without You for the first time. Going to the beach slathered in banana boat oil with no SPF and eating Hickory Sticks. Really caring about the Coke vs Pepsi issue (haha). Being devastated by the Challenger and amazed at the Berlin Wall going down. Being inspired by women on tv like Wonder Woman (I think I was 5) and the lovely ladies of Nine to Five. Ahh those were the days.
Lite brite, mood rings, pet rock, duran duran record, saturday night live and star wars movie tickets, sears catalog with toys circled that you want for Christmas, 8-track tapes, mad libs, sea horses ads, jelly shoes, hair scrimper, metal tooth comb to tease hair a foot high, relax dont do it t-shirt
Guess jeans, two-toned acid washed jeans, rubber bracelets x as many that you can fit on your wrist, Hello Kitty anything, Lisa Lisa’s epic hair, that amazing jean jacket from the “Dress You Up” Madonna video...lace fingerless gloves, and on and on!
I am late to this party, but I was thinking of maybe adding anything from Esprit... like the black stirrup pants they sold with the tent-like banana yellow button-down shirts? Maybe James Jeans? And Focus 21 hairspray... that scent was unmistakeable and it held like cement. And WHAM! "Choose Life" sweatshirts, neon green Madonna anklet socks with white lace edging, Manic Panic hair color, but the deadliest thing of all... Lawn Darts... they were like terrifying metal stomp rockets. I still have scars from those!
Friendship pins, banana clips, white high top Reeboks, Jordache and Sergio Valente clothes, boom boxes, cassette tapes, plastic milk crates for storage, acid washed Jean jackets, Hostess baked goods, Dolphin shorts, knee-high socks, legwarmers, Aquanet, electric blue eyeliner and mascara, ice blue eye shadow, pink champagne lipstick- for starters!
Omg, the memories...
I came to add the Aquanet :) When I think of all the hairspray fumes I inhaled during those years. Also - gigantic earrings that stretched out my ear holes so badly I can only wear studs now.
Here's a good one....who remembers The Official Preppy Handbook?!
I'm actually in a Facebook group about the Preppy Handbook! Some people are a bit over the top, trying to determine if something is Preppy or not, but it's fun. There was also at least one Jewish version, one locally written (Chicago suburbs) I wish I had kept those as well!
I think I was in 8th or 9th grade when it was published. I just looked on Amazon, there are used copies up for grabs in the $100 plus range.
This was like my bible as I lived in prepville (Chestnut Hill/ Philadelphia) - it helped me decode the people around me ;-) I still have a copy!
Absolutely that goes in the time capsule! That book was so helpful to me, even though it was tongue in cheek - it totally helped me learn how to dress in a way that was acceptable and comfortable, and preppy could even be a bit punk (ie the way the Talking Heads dressed on stage...) super fun book and I still have my copy.
I only wish I had such a thing!
Off the shoulder sweatshirts, neon anything, Jane Fonda workout tape (accompanied by Let’s Get Physical by ONJ), a Renault Le Car, an MTV shirt and a VHS copy of ET.
Scratch and sniff stickers, rainbow shoe laces, Kaepa’s, braided ribbon barrettes, Trapper Keeper, Journeys Escape cassette.
Kaepa's! 100%
I was just thinking about the printed shoelaces - I had some with rainbow hearts!
Let’s bring them back ! ;)
Those Girbaud parachute pants, but from Express in lime green
Why is it I still want those Girbaud parachute pants. I think they're back....
My bff and I liked the Girbaud "skinny cowboy jeans".
We're going to need some mixtapes from earnest high school boyfriends in there!
Actual 80's or caricatures of the 80's? I do think of princess phones as a very 80's thing, but the caricature would be that Mickey Mouse phone. That moment when ATT no longer issued you your phone hardware on lease and you got to/had to go buy your own. Most people got the princess phone because it was inexpensive and ubiquitous, but the Mickey Mouse phone was right next to it in the catalog. And then the day you saw one in real life you knew you were in the presence of coolness!
Some clothes from Banana Republic.
Punk zines.
CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST BARS, chocolate chip flavor. My god I miss those.
Swatch watches.
I second the person who suggested Trapper Keepers, they HAVE to be in there!
I was JUST thinking about Carnation Instant Breakfast Bars! Peanut butter was my favorite - they were the perfect texture. Someone bring them back!!!
I really do dream about them still LOL.
It's amazing how delicious those bars were, wow.
Oh my god, my mother legitimately gave me Carnation Breakfast Bars for breakfast - washed down with malt flavor Instant Breakfast.
I drank Instant Breakfast ALL THE TIME.
I ate those things for breakfast lunch and dinner as a teenager LOL.
How am I still alive?!
Of course the time capsule itself is a Caboodle...
Why is it that I still have so many of these things! Also, I RECENTLY bought a caboodle for all my impulsive TikTok/ Instagram Reels makeup purchases. 👀
Oh my gosh - I am going to watch the heck out of these videos! Thank you!
I also recently bought a Caboodle to use as part of my display at vendor fairs. I'm interested to see how many comments I get.
Tiger Beat Magazine, white Capezios, paisley and buffalo plaid clothes, lots of fun neck ware (bolo ties, thin ties, broaches/pins) , Beta Max tapes, stirrup pants, skorts, leg warmers, big gulps, scratch and sniff stickers.
I came to add the Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake dolls, and a VHS tape of "Desperately Seeking Susan". Oh, and tube socks... neon tube socks.
Oh, remember Rainbow Brite?
Totally! Also Lite Brite.
A tartan pencil case with band names written on it so that everyone at school would know you had cool taste in music: New Order, Eurythmics, Tears for Fears, The Thompson Twins, Psychedelic Furs, Joy Division, Bauhaus, etc...
A crimping iron!
My first Beatles albums: the red and the blue ones. They're being expanded now for their 50th anniversary. I got them at thirteen in 1977. I know those were a lot of people's first Beatles albums.
We are nothing without our teasing combs! Wet N Wild, who came to the suburban punk rock rescue with almost black lipstick and nail polish (I don't think our town ordered the black, or it went very, very quick; we were forced to use Sharpies and clear polish if we wanted black nails). Black liquid eyeliner for Siouxsie eyes. Chocolate PopTarts. Pop Rocks. Ring Pops. Legwarmers. Granny boots. Fingerless gloves. Leather jackets. Members Only jackets. 501s. And Jake from Sixteen Candles. Walkman with auto-reverse. xo
Maybe just older gen x would remember these, but how about the donut-shaped AM radio that opened up to access the dial; and the little suitcase record player before you got your first real stereo.
Village Lip Lickers (in the little tins!), Kissing Potion lip gloss, Lip Smackers
Bonne Bell!
Mix tapes, Aquanet, black WetnWild eyeliner, Levi jeans jacket, cabbage rose printed jeans, Shaker knit sweaters, cheap plastic jewelry from Clares, Judy Blume and Cynthia Vogt books, Tiger Beat posters, Izod polos and Esprit everything; The Preppy Handbook; Loves Baby Soft; Seventeen magazine, Molly Ringwald, a mall, strip mall movie theater and its arcade.
Let's not forget everything diet/sugar-free and fat-free: Crystal Light, Lean Cuisine dinners, Snack Wells, TCBY (!)
Benetton Rugbys, scarves and sweater dresses, Espirit ANYTHING
Sea Breeze and Buff Puffs
A Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt
Scrunchy Socks
Coca Cola Sweatshirts!
90s YA books from authors like Christopher Pike, RL Stine and Lois Duncan.
Oh! Oh! (Waving my hand in the air) Something from the Bicentennial! I had Bicentennial stickers all over my notebooks in sixth grade. Wish I could post a photo here.
Putting on my acid washed jeans and fluorescent tank top to ride around on my banana seat bike with my friend, tracking down the boys on their skate boards and going to 7-Eleven. Reading Seventeen magazine and smelling the Calvin Klein perfume inserts, crimping my hair and looking like a poodle. Hearing With or Without You for the first time. Going to the beach slathered in banana boat oil with no SPF and eating Hickory Sticks. Really caring about the Coke vs Pepsi issue (haha). Being devastated by the Challenger and amazed at the Berlin Wall going down. Being inspired by women on tv like Wonder Woman (I think I was 5) and the lovely ladies of Nine to Five. Ahh those were the days.
Lite brite, mood rings, pet rock, duran duran record, saturday night live and star wars movie tickets, sears catalog with toys circled that you want for Christmas, 8-track tapes, mad libs, sea horses ads, jelly shoes, hair scrimper, metal tooth comb to tease hair a foot high, relax dont do it t-shirt
Guess jeans, two-toned acid washed jeans, rubber bracelets x as many that you can fit on your wrist, Hello Kitty anything, Lisa Lisa’s epic hair, that amazing jean jacket from the “Dress You Up” Madonna video...lace fingerless gloves, and on and on!
I am late to this party, but I was thinking of maybe adding anything from Esprit... like the black stirrup pants they sold with the tent-like banana yellow button-down shirts? Maybe James Jeans? And Focus 21 hairspray... that scent was unmistakeable and it held like cement. And WHAM! "Choose Life" sweatshirts, neon green Madonna anklet socks with white lace edging, Manic Panic hair color, but the deadliest thing of all... Lawn Darts... they were like terrifying metal stomp rockets. I still have scars from those!
Forenza cotton v-neck sweaters, banana clips and a swatch watch