After reading this week’s story, Why I Aged Out of Embarrassment by Amy Barr, I couldn't help but reminisce about my collection of epic facepalm moments over the years. Looking back, some of them are just plain hilarious.
Like this one time, on a NYC-bound commute with my hubs: we were stuck on the platform for what seemed like an eternity. So, because I get bored easily, I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I can't wait to get you home and in my bed," with all the passion of a sizzling romance novel.
Only, there was a tiny hiccup—I was eight months pregnant, and I had just passionately serenaded a bewildered commuter who was definitely NOT my husband. It makes my grown kids CRINGE whenever I tell it. 🤣 It's become a family legend!
So, with that embarrassing gem from my past in the limelight, I'm passing the mic to you!
What's a cringe-worthy moment from your own history that now makes you chuckle? Let's swap stories and enjoy a good laugh! 😄
I was actually thinking about this yesterday…. In college there was a talent show or something at our large dorm complex. My guy friend formed a band and I was going to sing Blondie’s Dreaming which was well within my range. For some reason the drummer didn’t want to do that song and it switched to Par Benetar’s Hit Me With Your Best Shot which was not. Once on stage I had all the charisma of a paper bag and I was so nervous. Then at a critical note my voice cracked. After the song I slunk off stage, red as a beet. Later I heard my “friends” across the hall laughing about my performance which bummed me out. Looking back now I’m proud I had the guts to get up there and do that and while I’m still cringing a little I can also laugh. As for those dorm “friends”…. Fuck ‘em! 🤣
Good for you! I 100% relate to this, having had my share of epic fails at Kareoke (sp?). See, I can't even spell the damn word I'm so traumatized. And I must echo your "Fuck 'em" to those rude dorm-mates of yours!
Once in Walmart after my second shift job (it was around 11pm), my husband and I were shopping for something in the home improvement aisle. I lifted my leg and directed an incredibly loud fart at the person behind me. When I turned around, to my horror, that person was not my husband. We locked eyes and he started laughing and took off running. I ran to my husband at the end of the aisle. I was so embarrassed I was crying, and I was mad at him for not taking the blame for said fart. "How could I pretend it was me?!?! You lifted your leg!" I am sure the man from the aisle still tells that story with glee about the flatulent woman in scrubs.
I used to live in a city with very narrow and very old streets. One day, I wanted to take a shortcut, a small side street, I always took on my way home. In the morning some workers had put up a construction fence, to repair a part of that street. It got pretty tight for around 20-30 meters and near the end one had to turn sideways, to slip through. I didn’t think about it, went along and wanted to turn, when suddenly I couldn’t. I was 8 month pregnant, with a pot belly, which I had totally forgotten about … so I had to go backwards and there were already 5 people behind me, who wanted to take the shortcut, but now had to go back too, just to let me through. It was so embarrassing, I didn’t take the shortcut ever again 😂
I was onstage just after a conference presentation, getting ready to shake hands with my boss, when my half slip, the one with loose elastic I had not yet replaced, fell to the floor. I tried unsuccessfully to gracefully pull it up but ended up holding it bunched up under my skirt and sort of half waddling off stage. Not surprisingly, my memory is totally blank about what if anything my boss said about the incident. Or anyone else for that matter.
I was actually thinking about this yesterday…. In college there was a talent show or something at our large dorm complex. My guy friend formed a band and I was going to sing Blondie’s Dreaming which was well within my range. For some reason the drummer didn’t want to do that song and it switched to Par Benetar’s Hit Me With Your Best Shot which was not. Once on stage I had all the charisma of a paper bag and I was so nervous. Then at a critical note my voice cracked. After the song I slunk off stage, red as a beet. Later I heard my “friends” across the hall laughing about my performance which bummed me out. Looking back now I’m proud I had the guts to get up there and do that and while I’m still cringing a little I can also laugh. As for those dorm “friends”…. Fuck ‘em! 🤣
You’ve got guts galore, my friend! Also, that you sang in your friend’s band... so cool 😎
Good for you! I 100% relate to this, having had my share of epic fails at Kareoke (sp?). See, I can't even spell the damn word I'm so traumatized. And I must echo your "Fuck 'em" to those rude dorm-mates of yours!
Once in Walmart after my second shift job (it was around 11pm), my husband and I were shopping for something in the home improvement aisle. I lifted my leg and directed an incredibly loud fart at the person behind me. When I turned around, to my horror, that person was not my husband. We locked eyes and he started laughing and took off running. I ran to my husband at the end of the aisle. I was so embarrassed I was crying, and I was mad at him for not taking the blame for said fart. "How could I pretend it was me?!?! You lifted your leg!" I am sure the man from the aisle still tells that story with glee about the flatulent woman in scrubs.
I used to live in a city with very narrow and very old streets. One day, I wanted to take a shortcut, a small side street, I always took on my way home. In the morning some workers had put up a construction fence, to repair a part of that street. It got pretty tight for around 20-30 meters and near the end one had to turn sideways, to slip through. I didn’t think about it, went along and wanted to turn, when suddenly I couldn’t. I was 8 month pregnant, with a pot belly, which I had totally forgotten about … so I had to go backwards and there were already 5 people behind me, who wanted to take the shortcut, but now had to go back too, just to let me through. It was so embarrassing, I didn’t take the shortcut ever again 😂
Pregnant ladies and commuting... NEVER easy.😁
I was onstage just after a conference presentation, getting ready to shake hands with my boss, when my half slip, the one with loose elastic I had not yet replaced, fell to the floor. I tried unsuccessfully to gracefully pull it up but ended up holding it bunched up under my skirt and sort of half waddling off stage. Not surprisingly, my memory is totally blank about what if anything my boss said about the incident. Or anyone else for that matter.
SO glad slips aren't a thing anymore... I think... right? OY!
I was glad to say bye-bye to slips and pantyhose. Ugh.
Love this (and LOVE Leslie Jones)! Glad I came across your SS!
I went camping and my socks got wet so I dried them off using the campfire and they caught on fire and to make it worse they were still wet.