I just completed a 12-week writing workshop course (other than the "virtual residency" which is coming up) called Pocket MFA. My peers' feedback really helped me define the ending of the memoir I'm working on, and now I feel like I can finish the second draft before October. Best of all I won free tuition to the program in a raffle when I went to the AWP writers conference in March.

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During the pandemic, I started teaching myself Italian, hoping I would get back there someday. After a year of learning Italian, I realized the pandemic wasn't going anywhere and neither was I. So, I took a break from the Italian. Now in a totally different pivot (since I lost my job in May) - I may be considered to be a county magistrate - and no, I am not a lawyer - they don't require that. So that may be intense training if I go through. Life is weird.

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I'm currently enrolled in a proofreading/copyediting/copywriting course to start an editorial business to provide those services for small businesses, authors and publishing houses. Finally starting my writing career at the ripe young age of 54! Also participating in DIYMFA to help me get through the first draft of my debut novel.

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I saw this article about a mom who went viral with this DIY summer camp she made up for her kids called “How to Be a Person Camp” and it had all these terribly funny, mundane activities like... how to scramble an egg, how to write a thank you note, and how to ride the bus... and I just thought... Good God, I need a “How to Be a Person Summer School: Menopause Edition” Like all the silly quotidian practices that make you a functioning human woman again... but fully in command of all your power and wisdom. Would seem particularly handy if you've been feeling rather monstrous as a result of all the hormonal shifts/changes. Some days, I’m one slight jawline shift away from morphing into a complete werewolf, lol.

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Totally would attend this school! Sign me up

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I am trying to find something of interest that is all mine. I have the tendency to attend things to learn more about helping my kid or my professional interests.

Thinking about finding a Dungeon & Dragon group just for adults.

Wanted to play as a teen but it was all boys who either didn’t want girls in the group or were so sexist it just made it not fun.

Still looking for that unicorn group of females around my age with similar outside interests.


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