I’m working my way through Season 2 of Girls5Eva. I know I’m behind but it’s delightful and I love that kind of humor. I’m also watching season 2 of Warrior Nun on Netflix. I love a Vatican conspiracy! After I’m finished with that, I’m moving onto Mrs. Davis, another Vatican conspiracy on Peacock

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Warrior Nun's been on my radar for a while.

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I love the European cities it’s filmed in. It’s based on a comic book, so it has some hilariously ridiculous aspects. Very entertaining

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There's also the Donna Summer documentary on HBO and the Judy Blume doc on Prime. Both are good. Mary's made me cry, though. It's also an F1 weekend. Any fans here? (Yes, it's completely problematic in so many ways and goes against so many of my beliefs, yet it brings me joy...but for this season and last. Lewis fan.) xo

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