Will definitely see Saltburn; love Emerald Fennell’s work. I’m a big fan of Lady Bird Johnson (thanks to her, Texas highways are a kaleidoscope of color from bluebonnets to Indian Paintbrush). The Crown? Meh. Started off so strong with Claire Foy and then Olivia Coleman. Maybe the story is just getting old to me. I’m just waiting for the return of Abbott Elementary. We could all use a little levity about now.

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Yes! And I agree with you re: The Crown. Loved Claire Foy and Olivia Coleman :)

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I have to catch up on The Crown, but I have to admit my surprise at how much I enjoyed the Robbie Williams doc-series on Netflix. Since we're there, be sure to watch Escaping Twin Flames. xo

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First episode of The Crown, breathtaking as always and that opening, wow - all I will say. Bracing myself for the rest of it

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