Feb 16, 2023Liked by Margit Detweiler, Liz Thompson

Space Sticks, Party Lines, Call-Waiting, Telephone books at restaurants so I could sit on them and reach the tables (I'm tiny).

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Margit Detweiler, Liz Thompson

I worked at a local video rental place. It was such a great job.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Margit Detweiler, Liz Thompson

Using the school library encyclopedias for research projects. I've tried to explain to my kids how there were limited sets available, and the ensuing Hunger Games-esque race to get to "your" letter first when your class got to the media center.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Margit Detweiler, Liz Thompson

I know it’s rather obvious and cliche to say corded phones, but I have such strong sense memory of wrapping that curly cord around my finger, trying to find ways to sit or stand comfortably for hours, the satisfaction of slamming the handset down in teen emotional angst, etc. Most of the things like this I think about (record players, TVs without remotes, library card catalogs, headphones you plug in with a heavy jack) are all very tangibly physical things. And I think a lot about the ways the tactile has slipped away from us and wonder about all the ways that changes us.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Liz Thompson

Not a place, but the idea of "wonder". We didn't grow up with the internet, and while it's fantastic to have things at our fingertips, I still like the idea of finding things out on my own.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Margit Detweiler, Liz Thompson

The Walkman. God how I loved and treasured my assorted walkmen through the years. Something about listening to music on my phone just doesn't compete. Also, and related, cassette tapes, Turtles record store, mix tapes, and boomboxes.

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I miss browsing so much. It was like my *hobby* at the TLA Video in Philly. They curated by director, themes, actors... just so so good

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