At the risk of sounding like a shameless plug, I'd like to share a story I wrote for TueNight around the time when the war in Ukraine broke out - as a first generation born American, the news really hit home for me: https://tuenight.com/how-my-parents-explained-their-survival-refugee-stories/

When my kids were little, my parents were invited to their elementary school to give a talk centered on their immigration to the U.S. during the Hungarian revolution in '56. They each shared their stories (my mom was 14 and 19 at the time of their escape) and it was so moving, teachers from other classes invited them back.

A big thank you to Margit for allowing me to share it with my fellow TueNighters!❤️

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SUCH a good one!

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And bring on the shameless personal plugs! No shame. Share your own stories!

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Liz! I was literally over here like, “I mean my own stories are the most memorable ones for me because TueNight offers such a unique storytelling experience to share writing/essays that you can’t even imagine pitching anywhere else. There are some essays that you might read in one publication like Atlantic or you might read it in the New Yorker, And you could also imagine reading it as a modern love essay in NYT. but there is no way in hell that any other publication, but this one would have ever published my essays about Luther Vandross or Bette the Customer Service Advocate That we all need!! (Links to both below)That’s the glory of love in the TueNight world. (Peep my shameless Gen X reference to Peter Cetera ballads, and the karate kid movie franchise)

Bette: https://tuenight.com/what-ever-happened-to-customer-service/

Luther: https://tuenight.com/the-best-voice-in-the-world-is-need-you-ask/

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Oh man I remember Alice Bradley’s reading of her panty story brought the house down:


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Alice is hilarious!

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I could truly relate

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I've always loved "At What Age Can I Go Back to Dressing Like a Lunatic?" by Judy McGuire: https://tuenight.com/at-what-age-can-i-go-back-to-dressing-like-a-lunatic/

What about a post-pandemic follow-up piece? Because now I'm pretty much always dressing like a lunatic.

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In honor of Taylor Swift as TIME’s Person of the Year, I’m going to throw my piece from August (sipped away like a bottle of wine) in here, “An Eras Tour of Our Own” which was so much fun to write, and to think through. https://tuenight.substack.com/p/an-eras-tour-of-our-own

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I love these! Bringing back fond memories 🥰

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