I have a jade roller thingy that I keep in the fridge door. It’s two sided with one side smaller than the other - each side has a oblong shaped stone. When I feel particularly puffy I use this around my eyes and then eventually all over my face while I wait for the morning coffee to brew. It also feels good and feel slightly de-puffed after what it’s worth. I paid $20-$25 for it if memory serves.

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Gua sha and lymphatic massage in the morning (thx tik tok 😂) and the Ordinary’s caffeine solution. But I def have been googling under eye filler before and afters and would love to hear y’alls thoughts if you’ve had it.

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I tried Restylane fillers and the results were good! Subtle...like I had gotten some great sleep. It was not too painful, just stung a bit with very minimal bruising. (The doc told me to eat fresh pineapple, which has some sort of enzyme in it that helps the skin recover.) It lasted about 4 months for me.

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Bromelain is the enzyme that prevent bruising! It works great, and arnica (internal and gel) works pretty good, too.

I agree about the under eye filler. It worked pretty good, although apparently I have the rare "gift" of metabolizing fillers quickly so mine didn't last as long as it should have.

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Thanks for the name, I could not remember! I like arnica topical gel for bruising, I usually bruise terribly so I was very pleasantly surprised with the natural remedies!

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Yes! Bromelain was just recommended to me or else I wouldn’t have remembered either. 😆

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Nothing has worked for me — will be following!

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This isn't a quick fix, but whatever gets my circulation moving systematically seems to help the most. Drinking some water, getting a big hit of caffeine, whatever exercise gets my blood flowing -- if I manage to get any or all of that into my day, my eyes and my whole face snap into place. And if I don't, I stay puffy/droopy longer into the day.

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I have read that dark circles can also be a sign of allergies. I use under eye concealer if it’s really noticeable but still don’t know how to get rid of the allergies!

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I've been using Phyto Contour eye cream by Yonka Paris forever. It's 10% rosemary, so it's got serious detox power. Use it at night - in combination with the jade roller if you have one.

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I've been digging these Wander eye patches. I think more because they're just fun and posh and soothing while you watch Netflix and such. But I got my husband to try them too and he was like "these things work!" 😂 - so maybe they do? https://www.wanderbeauty.com/products/baggage-claim-eye-masks

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I do not usually advocate for a particular product, but I had hella dark circles for a couple years that made me look Undead. An eye cream by Dr Dennis Gross seriously somehow mostly got rid of them. (And it doesn’t really make sense bc the circles were way underneath my skin layer? I dunno). It has retinol but my sensitive skin has been fine with it even on eyelids and underneath. https://www.dermstore.com/dr-dennis-gross-advanced-retinol-ferulic-triple-correction-eye-serum/13180878.html

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Better digestion/elimination (eat fruit, drink a ton of water; avoid dairy, wheat, sugar) and more rest (a break from ambition; sleep; joyful activities).

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Do what I can to avoid and prevent poor sleep... hot then cold washcloth in the morning and Neutragena moisturizer... and hope my facial flaws are more visible to me than to anybody else. I tell myself "Nobody seems to mind looking at me" but I hate the way my skin around my eyes looks on Zoom!

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I'm 48 and have puffy eyes a lot (thank you wine). Besides cutting out alcohol, the inexpensive under eye patches work well to bring down the poof. I get mine from TJ Maxx. Allergy meds like Loratadine help keep down the inflammation, too.

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So my big bad deal with tired eyes is dryness from the screen marathon that is my life and I also have nerve damage to my right lid, so it doesn't blink enough to lube things up, lol... Here are my hacks. One is simple: those Systane eye drops except I get the CVS generic ones for $14 and they seem to work fine. The other hack is ridiculous and makes me look like Janice from the Muppets band (the one who always hangs out with Animal, the drummer) and it's a black cotton headband but worn as a sleep mask and it's tight enough to really hold my eyelids super shut at night... but I look like Janice the Muppet... So it's decidedly unsexy. The benefit though, is I don't wake up puffy or with dry eyes and I don't need the roller thingy.

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Tea bags. Used, or just wetted, black tea

bags. You can chill them, or really cooled off room temperature, and put them on your closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes. I’ve heard cucumber slices work too, but I’ve never tried them on my eyes.

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Chamomile tea bags. Staying hydrated. (Like, if you think you're drinking enough water, you're probably not. I know I wasn't, and lug a huge bottle with me every day to remind me what I am...or am not...taking in.) Minding the booze intake (it gets cruel after 50 in the baggage area). Minding the sodium intake. Naps. xo

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For me, it's under-eye puffiness. I've been using Garnier's anti-puff and brightening roller for years. It's also got an awesome cooling effect, feels so good: https://www.garnierusa.com/about-our-brands/skin-care/clearly-brighter/clearly-brighter-anti-puff-eye-roller

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I love this Mary Kay blue gel stuff that goes under the eyes. It's the only thing I buy from Mary Kay, but it always rejuvenates under the eyes with a cooling sensation when I feel an afternoon drop coming on.

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