Morning all! And Happiest of New Years! We made it to 2023!
There’s a certain magic on this day, a lightness and space. Well, at least here in Brooklyn, where the streets are emptier, quieter than usual. Yes, it’s probably all in my head but yesterday I was kind of stressed at the neither here-nor-their, gloomy vibe of the end of the year. But today is a-ok.
I’ve been stumbling into little comforts this morning: a warm cup of tea instead of coffee, this morning’s post from
, changing the calendar to 1, listening to my husband randomly pick songs to play, and now deciding to go see the Alex Katz and Nick Cave shows at the Guggenheim. Art always sets me right.
Woke up to no power, thus no heat, in the cabin this morning. Fortunately the climate is fairly mild here in WV today, still... it's a bit chilly. Stayed snug in bed purring (in my case snoring) with the cats until it came back on. Off to the hot tub for a dip before going to a friend's birthday brunch and art show at his studio (he's a painter), then dinner later at another friends' house. All in all we're enjoying a restful and sociable start to the new year.
Slept in this morning, cuddling with the cats and then worked on my jigsaw puzzle that I has been on the dining room table for a month now. This afternoon to visit my mother and swim a mile. Then I’ll cook with my husband and have an early night.
My sisters, their husbands, and I took a 2.4 mile beach hike on a beautifully sunny Cape Cod day. We each picked up an armful of trash to keep Mother Earth as clean as we can.
Taking the tree down and putting the Christmas stuff away is one of my favorite New Year's traditions. Changing the calendars over and making collards and black eyed peas is another.
A walk at the beach is my New Year's Day tradition. I trudge through the sand, and put my feet in the chilly ocean. The wind tangles my hair, as the seagulls caw overhead. Embracing mother nature on the first day of the year puts life in perspective; we're small, and have only dollops of control, and that's weirdly comforting. 🌊
I made my hubby and I challah french toast and scrambled eggs. We stayed in our pajamas way too long, then made it out to Brooklyn to meet dear friends. It was the perfect start to the new year!
May your 2023 be filled with joy, connection, love, and laughter. ❤️
Woke up to no power, thus no heat, in the cabin this morning. Fortunately the climate is fairly mild here in WV today, still... it's a bit chilly. Stayed snug in bed purring (in my case snoring) with the cats until it came back on. Off to the hot tub for a dip before going to a friend's birthday brunch and art show at his studio (he's a painter), then dinner later at another friends' house. All in all we're enjoying a restful and sociable start to the new year.
Oooo this makes me FEEL cozy just reading it. 🤗
Slept in this morning, cuddling with the cats and then worked on my jigsaw puzzle that I has been on the dining room table for a month now. This afternoon to visit my mother and swim a mile. Then I’ll cook with my husband and have an early night.
Had a lazy day full of comfy clothes, reading, and binge-watching multiple episodes of American Pickers. Vintage items just really make me happy.
You Gen-Xer you
My sisters, their husbands, and I took a 2.4 mile beach hike on a beautifully sunny Cape Cod day. We each picked up an armful of trash to keep Mother Earth as clean as we can.
Love this Ruth. Also see Mimi’s below!
Yes! Except I was only brave enough to put my hands in 😂
Taking the tree down and putting the Christmas stuff away is one of my favorite New Year's traditions. Changing the calendars over and making collards and black eyed peas is another.
Same! Husband made the collards; I made the hoppin' john. A satisfying way to kick things off
A walk at the beach is my New Year's Day tradition. I trudge through the sand, and put my feet in the chilly ocean. The wind tangles my hair, as the seagulls caw overhead. Embracing mother nature on the first day of the year puts life in perspective; we're small, and have only dollops of control, and that's weirdly comforting. 🌊
Love it. Doing good, feeling good
I made my hubby and I challah french toast and scrambled eggs. We stayed in our pajamas way too long, then made it out to Brooklyn to meet dear friends. It was the perfect start to the new year!
May your 2023 be filled with joy, connection, love, and laughter. ❤️