I find when something becomes popular (ie cropped or shorter shirts) it’s all I can find! I see a cute top in a store and realize it barely makes it to it my Belly Button. No thanks. I wish new clothing was offered in a variety of styles rather than all in on what’s hot at the moment! This is why I love thrift shopping!

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Love thrift shopping and weekends were made for hitting up Goodwill and local shops! I almost always leave with awesome stuff, both retro and new-ish finds.

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Thrifting is on trend with GenZ too.

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Low rise is creeping back! I won’t participate this time. Maybe they were always a trend-followers game. Happily those days are (mostly) behind me 😊

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NEVER could with the low rise. I'm like give me hi-rise up to my boobs please.

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Lol same!!

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Was I about to commit a crime of fashion?

When I told a neighbor I will be wearing a black matte jersey dress to a June wedding this weekend, she was horrified.

What I didn’t tell her is that the dress is an early 1990’s mini which will be accessorized with black over the knee boots, opera gloves and a simple silver Tiffany necklace. In a 1994 interview the designer, Victor Alfaro, stated his clothes are not defined by age. At 71, I was about to find out.

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Ohhhhh, Substack needs to allow pics in comments... we NEED to see a pic!

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I can make that happen!

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You are the styliest of the stylish my friend. An inspiration.

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Long live the Swinging Sixties! And I adore my low slung hip huggin jeans. file:///Users/robin/Desktop/IMG_0027.jpeg

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I'll go on record saying that I have always been sad that legwarmers didn't make the comeback they deserved. So maybe that's my fashion fail? I have a post about this in two weeks, believing that every trend has been done at least once so they are all dead; let's just dress how we want. If you see me in legwarmers, don't judge. As far as the abyss goes: Acid wash (sorry!), low-rise, neon, double-knit polyester (IYKYK), wearing brand names boldly (who wants to be a walking sandwich board?), too-short dresses and Daisy Dukes. I really don't want to be anyone's GYN. xo

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YES re the leg warmers and LOLOLOLOL for the rest :)

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Oo excited to read!

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Thanks, Margit! It will hit on the 21st. I was so happy to be on Substack, I couldn't stop writing (and now have things scheduled through the end of July. LOL). xo

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On the comeback side - the only piece of 80s/90s clothing I held onto is my Express jean jacket. I would love to wear it again. I used to hide a 2 liter of Mtn Dew in its inside pockets, so I know it would be perfect for carting around a bottle of wine on the sly.

On the abyss side - can we NOT with the mullets? My 15 y/o is dying to get one, just like all his friends. For the love of my achy-breaky heart, just say no!

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Jean jackets are always cool. And agree no to the abysmal mullets coming back, especially if you're not willing to lop off the back if you change your mind. My mullet took 6 months to grow out, and in 7th grade, that felt like forever.

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Oh no... *shielding eyes* ... no more mullets, EVER!

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